Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Pretty Scarf from PawPawty!!!

I brought my kitty Cheddums to the Pawpawty and he won this PRETTY scarf from @Smokey8 and @Pasikas! @Pasikas painted this pretty silk scarf just for us. She asked Cheddums what colors he wanted and he requested the colors of the sea (where the fish live). I think this scarf looks just like the sea and we appreciate all the hard work @Pasikas put into painting it just for us!

It was so very nice of @Smokey8 to donate this lovely scarf as a Pawpawty prize. He is a very beautiful kitty and looks so much like Cheddums that they could be litter mates!

Thank you @Smokey8 and @Pasikas for the lovely gift! Cheddums & I gave it to mom for Mother's Day and she was SO suprised!!!



  1. That is a bewtiful scarf Cheddums, you iz so lucky! Concats on winning such a nice pwize.

  2. Congratulations Syd. Dat is a great prize to win for your mama. Bootiful!

  3. Oh I do Look like Cheddums! For a minute there I though I was on Fringe in da alternate universe! MOL! da scarf is beautiful ! And I'm glad everyone likes it! @pasikas makes da most bootiful scarves! Purrs

    signed: your pal
    Smokey8 fr Twitter

  4. That is beatiful scarf @pasikas is very clever and @cheddums chose the colours well.
